Event Season: Tips for Scheduling Treatments
Now that spring is here, event season is about to kick into high gear. You might have a wedding or two to attend this summer (or maybe you’re getting married yourself). You might have a graduation to...
View ArticleTips for Anti-Aging in Your 30s
As soon as you hit the big 3-0, things start to change. While today’s 30 might be the new 25 or even 20, that doesn’t mean you necessarily want to keep up the same skin care routine you had in your...
View ArticleFacelift Fact and Fiction
You can’t stop the aging process, but you can turn slow down or reverse some signs of aging. Facelift surgery is a popular option after certain signs of aging have begun to appear. Despite its...
View ArticleCan You Be Too Old for Plastic Surgery?
Depending on how old you are, or how visible the signs of aging are on your face, facial plastic surgery might be something you believe you’ll think about "someday." But, is it possible for you to...
View ArticleWhat to Do Before and After Botox Injections
When frown lines between your eyebrows or the crow’s feet in the corners of your eyes start to bother you, perhaps you begin thinking about surgery. But if you’re not ready for so large a step,...
View ArticleCoping With Common Plastic Surgery Fears
While more and more people might be considering plastic surgery these days — a study from RealSelf.com found that about 20 percent of women were actively considering some form of surgery — there are...
View ArticleCan a DIY Replace Plastic Surgery?
Can you get fuller lips at home, without seeing a facial plastic surgeon? Can you really inject fillers or Botox into your face on your own? While plenty of less-than-ethical websites would have you...
View ArticleWays to Deal With the Lines Around Your Mouth
People often say that the eyes or neck are the first areas to show signs of aging. But for some, the area around your mouth is a big giveaway. The movements you make with your lips and mouth over time,...
View ArticleTips for a More Comfortable Blepharoplasty Recovery
Whether you’ve had an upper or lower eyelid lift, also known as a blepharoplasty, you’ll need time afterward to recover and heal from the surgery. For the most part, the initial recovery after...
View ArticleSkincare Mistakes to Skip this Summer
It’s summer time, which means the living is easy, and you can relax when it comes to caring for your skin, right? Not so fast. While there might be more humidity in the air in the summer, making your...
View ArticleWhose Lips Are In Demand?
Full, voluminous lips have been on trend for some time now. The fuller your lips are, the more youthful you look, as the breakdown of collagen as you get older tends to lead to thinner lips. Finding...
View ArticleMyths About Aging
Aging happens to anyone who is fortunate enough to live long enough. While it’s a fairly common occurrence, it’s also a fairly misunderstood occurrence, with a lot of myths and misconceptions floating...
View Article4 Medical Things to Do Before Facial Plastic Surgery
Although the decision to have facial plastic surgery is a choice, procedures such as blepharoplasty and facelift are still medical procedures. For that reason, both you and your surgeon want to make...
View ArticleBenefits of Blepharoplasty
It’s no secret that some plastic surgery procedures offer more than just cosmetic benefits. Some surgeries can also provide functional benefits, and improve the way a certain part of your face works....
View ArticlePregnancy and Plastic Surgery
You’re considering a procedure such as an eyelid lift when you get the news: you’re pregnant. While you’re excited by the news, you’re now left wondering if you should go ahead with your surgery or...
View ArticleWhat Non-Surgical Treatments Can Do for You
It’s easy to think of facial plastic surgery as the ultimate way to reduce the signs of aging on your face. When some people think of anti-aging, they might automatically think of a facelift or eyelid...
View Article5 Ways to Cut Back on Sugar
From facial plastic surgery to non-surgical treatments such as injections and chemical peels, there are a number of ways you can reduce the signs of aging on your face. While cosmetic treatments are...
View ArticleTips for Choosing an Injector
As fall gets underway, you might already be thinking about the holiday season and ways you can get ready for it. Or, you might be heading back to the classroom as a teacher and are a bit concerned...
View ArticleAnti-Aging Skincare Ingredients You Need to Know About
With so many product choices available, it can be difficult to tell whether a lotion, cleanser, or peel is the right option for you. You might have several questions when you peruse the aisle at the...
View ArticleToo Much, Too Soon: Can Fillers Age You?
One question people often have about fillers and injectables is "how soon should I start using them?" There’s no set age for using an injectable, and some people find that they want to try Botox or...
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