You can’t stop the aging process, but you can turn slow down or reverse some signs of aging. Facelift surgery is a popular option after certain signs of aging have begun to appear. Despite its popularity though, there’s a lot of misinformation. Being able to separate fact from fiction when it comes to facelifts can help you decide if the surgery is what will help reduce the signs of aging on your face.
Fiction: Facelifts Are Only for Very Old People
The logic behind this common facelift myth is clear. If you’ve reached the point when you want to do something about the signs of aging on your face, you must be very old, right? While older people can be great candidates for a facelift, younger people, even people as young as 45 or 40, can also be great candidates.
Age can be just a number when it comes to judging whether the surgery is appropriate for you. What is usually a better determining factor is to look at the degree of laxity or sagginess you have in the lower cheeks, neck and jowls. Some people don’t develop a lot of looseness in their skin until they are older, but others find that they become jowly much younger.
In some cases, having a facelift sooner rather than later might be in your best interest. While some people remain in good health throughout their 60s and into their 70s, not everyone does. The older you are, the more risky the procedure can be, depending on your medical history.
Fact: Some Options Might Be More Appropriate Than a Facelift
A facelift can sometimes be looked at as a last resort surgery. It’s not the best pick if you don’t have an issue with saggy or loose skin but are more concerned about the texture of your skin or about hyperpigmentation. In that case, laser skin resurfacing might be a better option for you.
A facelift only focuses on the lower part of the face. If your major areas of concern are your forehead or eyes, a facelift won’t give you the results you were hoping for. Instead, a brow lift or eyelid lift, or even both, might be the better option for you.
Fiction: Everyone Will Know
The decision to have facial plastic surgery is a personal one. You may be comfortable talking about it with your spouse and your close friends, but you probably don’t want everyone around you to be able to tell you’ve had surgery.
While older methods of performing a facelift typically created a slightly unnatural, or "windswept" appearance, newer methods produce results that are much more subtle. You’ll look refreshed and more youthful, but few people will be able to tell that you’ve had surgery.
Fact: Your Results Will Last for Years
A facelift is an investment of both time and money. Since you are going to invest so much of your hard earned money and your highly valued time into the procedure, it can be comforting to know that a facelift usually provides a good return on that investment. Generally, your results will last for about 10 years. While your mileage may vary, there are a few things you can do to help prolong the results.
For one thing, try to avoid the sun as much as possible and make sure to wear sunscreen daily. Quitting smoking for good and eating a healthy diet can also help you make the most of your results. Keep in mind that although your results can be long lasting, you will continue to age. There might be a time when you decide that a secondary facelift is what you want.
Fiction: The Surgery Needs to Be Performed on Its Own
Facelift surgery targets the lower part of the face. That doesn’t mean that if you are concerned about droopy eyelids and your jowls you have to choose between the two. If you want to do something about the creases across your forehead, about your droopy eyelids, and about your sagging cheeks, you can combine a facelift with a brow lift or eyelidsurgery, or even both.
Fact: Recovery Will Take Some Time
It’s not uncommon for patients to worry about the recovery process after a facelift. You want to know how soon it will be before you look and feel better. While you will probably feel better quicker than you think, it’s worth remembering that recovery does take some time after the surgery. In many instances, patients take about two weeks off from work. Some activities, such as exercise, need to be avoided for a few weeks after that. It’s important to take the time you need to rest up and heal after your surgery.
At the Naderi Center in Virginia and Maryland, Dr. Jessica Kulak, an aging face specialist, can help you decide if a facelift is the right call for you or if another procedure better suits your needs. To learn more about your options for treating the signs of aging on your face, call 703-481-0002 for a consultation in Virginia or 301-222-2020 for a consultation in Maryland today.
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