Five Problems Laser Treatments Can Fix
When you think of lasers, you might think of science fiction. But in real life, lasers are useful in the fight against aging. If you aren’t ready for surgery or have skin issues that surgery can’t fix,...
View ArticleCorrecting Hyperpigmentation
Having a spattering of freckles across your cheeks or nose is cute when you’re a teenager. But, as you get older and dark spots start to appear in unexpected places, you might not think it’s so cute....
View ArticleWhat Are the Most Common Signs of Aging?
You know that you look older, but you can’t quite put your finger on why. Understanding the signs of aging is the first step to figuring out how to fight back and to determining which procedures, from...
View ArticleGet Cheekbones Like Maleficent’s
At one point, women were heading to their surgeon’s office to find out how to get lips like Angelina Jolie’s. With her latest movie, Maleficent, Jolie is inspiring a completely different trend. Now,...
View ArticleBy the Decade: How the Face Ages
While a number of external factors contribute to the aging process, such as sun exposure and smoking, in some cases, the signs of aging appear as a result of the march of time. Everyone ages...
View ArticleCommon Habits That Age You (And What You Can Do)
All those little habits you have that lead to wrinkles cause what’s known as extrinsic aging. Two of the biggest culprits are getting a lot of sun exposure (which makes up about 90 percent of skin...
View ArticleIs Age Just a Number When it Comes to Plastic Surgery?
Everyone ages at a slightly different rate, based on a number of factors, from their genes to the amount of time they’ve spent in the sun. That means that two women who are both 50-years-old can look...
View ArticleShould You Travel Overseas for Your Facelift?
Many people travel abroad to enjoy a bit of vacation time or to conduct business. Since the US is a country full of highly trained medical professionals, you might not think that overseas travel for...
View ArticleWhat Can Alpha Hydroxy Acids Do for You?
If you’ve spent any time in the skincare aisle or have thought about a chemical peel, you’re probably familiar with alpha hydroxy acids, or at the very least, have heard of them. The one thing alpha...
View ArticleAnti-Aging Tips for the Modern Man
For decades, it’s been assumed that men were considerably less likely to have plastic surgery performed. Those days are gone, though. Today’s men tend not only to use skincare products, they are also...
View ArticleFive Common Anti-Aging Misconceptions
When it comes to fighting the signs of aging, there is a lot of misinformation out there. Some of it comes from savvy businesspeople trying to earn a dollar selling you a product or program that...
View ArticleCan You Have Too Much Botox?
Botox injections remain incredibly popular among men and woman. In 2013, half of all non-surgical or minimally invasive cosmetic procedures performed were Botox, according to the American Academy of...
View ArticleTips for a Somewhat Speedy Facelift Recovery
Plenty of people decide to put off having a facelift because they are concerned about the lengthy recovery process. While the recovery from a facelift is considerably longer than from non-surgical...
View ArticleShould You Finance Your Surgery? The Pros and Cons
In most cases, insurance won’t cover the cost of plastic surgery procedures done for cosmetic reasons. While you may believe that your facelift is necessary for your overall health and wellbeing, your...
View ArticleSkincare Tips to Get You Ready for Fall
Summer’s over, which means you finally get a break from the heat and humidity. While fall’s cooler temperatures might be welcome, the drier air can mean you need to change your skincare routine...
View ArticleWays to Extend the Life of Your Facelift
You know that the results of a facelift can last for up to 10 years, which might have been one of the reasons why you chose the procedure over other quicker, but less long-lasting options, such as...
View ArticleHelp for Common Skin Problems
While most think of wrinkles as being the major sign of aging on the skin, a number of other conditions can occur or get worse as you get older, making you want to cover them up or find ways to treat...
View ArticleOptions for Under Eye Bags
Bags under your eyes deliver a double whammy to your looks. They make you look much older than you are and they make you look exhausted. If you’re tired of looking in the mirror and seeing an older,...
View ArticleGreat American Smokeout: Why Now’s the Time to Quit
By now, the majority of people know about the dangers and nasty effects of smoking. It causes several forms of cancer and plays a part in heart disease. Smoking and tobacco use also have negative...
View ArticleSafety First! Three Things to Do Before Facial Plastic Surgery
Although it might seem as though everyone is having plastic surgery performed these days, from celebrities to your cubicle mate, and it might seem as though you can get Botox injections or dermal...
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