The holidays are here again and for many people, that means the next few months are full of social engagement after social engagement. All that running around can really do a number on your overall health and the health of your skin. Don’t let the winter holidays make the signs of aging on your face worse. These tips can help you get through the season looking merry and bright.
Watch the Alcohol
With holiday parties often comes holiday cocktails. And with those holiday cocktails can come dull, dry skin. You don’t have to completely abstain from booze this holiday season, but remembering to drink in moderation can help your skin a lot. Set a limit for the number of drinks you’ll enjoy a night, before you head out.
Since alcohol does dehydrate you, it’s important to rehydrate while you imbibe. Try the alternating system. For every alcoholic drink you consume, drink one glass of water. Another option is to start out with one alcoholic drink, such as a gin and soda, then switch to just soda for your next drink.
Get Enough Shut Eye
If you have a string of holiday parties, one evening after another, your sleep schedule can get disrupted. Even if you don’t stay out particularly late, getting home later than you usually do can throw your nightly routine for a loop. Not getting enough sleep has a number of negative effects, from making your skin look haggard to making you more likely to put on holiday weight.
One way to make sure you get enough sleep during the busy holiday season is to schedule a nap on a regular basis. If you’re getting less sleep during the nighttime, a daily nap can be particularly helpful when it comes to paying off your sleep debt. Think of it as a disco nap if you will, and doze off for about 90 minutes before going out.
If you are not going out partying but are still feeling the effects of a hectic holiday season, taking some time to relax can help you get a better night’s sleep. Spend a few hours connecting with your family each night, for example. Get in the holiday spirit and unwind by watching a classic holiday movie.
Amp Up Moisture
Alcohol isn’t the only thing that dries out your skin during the holidays. Dry winter air and hot showers also help. Fight back against dryness, which can make wrinkles more visible, by adding more moisture to your life. Invest in a humidifier for your bedroom or home. Turn down the temperature in the shower so that it doesn’t scald you or dry out your skin. Switch to a thicker facial moisturizer and to a cleanser that is less drying.
Treat Your Skin
Another way to get through the holiday season with a youthful appearance is to give your skin a treat. Pick a minimally invasive procedure so that your skin looks refreshed and rejuvenated, without a lot of downtime.
One option is a mild or medium chemical peel. A chemical peel is a great way to exfoliate the skin, removing the top layer of dry, dead, and dull skin cells and encouraging new growth. The peel can help ease fine lines and wrinkles and can reduce the appearance of age spots or hyperpigmentation. Mild or medium peels are ideal for the holiday season, as they have almost no downtime and you’ll be able to go about your daily routine right after.
Fraxel laser skin resurfacing is another gift you might want to give your skin for the holidays. Depending on the amount of aging on your face, you can choose a mild or deep form of Fraxel. The treatment focuses only on specific areas of the skin, leaving other areas untouched. Although the deeper treatments have a longer recovery period than the mild treatments, it is still shorter than the recovery time needed for traditional laser skin resurfacing methods.
Say No From Time to Time
You don’t have to go to every holiday event you’re invited to. One way to stay relaxed and looking refreshed this season is to only go to the events you really want to attend or need to attend for work. If you limit yourself to just one or two holiday-focused activities per week from now until the New Year, you’ll make it through the season without getting too frazzled or over-worked.
Dr. Jessica Kulak, an aging face specialist practicing at the Naderi Center in Virginia and Maryland, understands that the holidays can be tough on everyone. She’s happy to see you and discuss your aging concerns. To book an appointment with Dr. Kulak for the holidays or after, call (703) 481-0002 in Virginia or (301) 222-2020 in Maryland.
The post Anti-Aging Tips to Get You Through the Holidays appeared first on The Naderi Center.